The fountains, in the history of urbanization and anthropization, undoubtedly represent a clear indication of development and economy. Today in every tap of our house we have direct water but once it was not like that. The further back in time one goes, the more difficult it was to supply water, which previously was taken directly from rivers or streams until it was channeled to feed some public fountain, where the population went to get the water needed by the many needs of the house.
In Piana degli Albanesi there are still fountains that are located in the historic center. Perhaps not everyone knows that the fountains were more numerous but some of these, due to unfortunate choices, were abandoned and some stolen or destroyed. The most important and ancient fountains of Piana are all located near the streams that cross it and which were then unfortunately buried.

Most of the fountains of Piana degli Albanesi know only the name but nothing else. Each fountain has its own story that is worth being told and known.
This was done by the fifty-two boys of three fifth grades of the C.I. Skanderbeg of Piana degli Albanesi, who under the enlightened guidance of four teachers and the unfailing support of the parents of the children, have created a project that uses the QR-code technology to give information about our fountains.
The project began when the children were still in fourth class and thanks to their teachers, they discovered the technology of the qr-code and its great technological potential. The boys felt the need to tell about Piana degli Albanesi and they did it using this technology, which is new and fascinating for them.
With these wishes, their project "WE INCREASE REALITY WITH THE QR-CODE" was born, which aims to open a window of knowledge precisely on the fountains of Piana degli Albanesi. Thus the augmented reality project begins to take shape and the children discover the multiple applications of this small code. The first interviews, the photographic collection, the inspections and unfortunately the pandemic that hinders them begin, at least at the beginning.
The extraordinary capacity of resilience, common to these children and their teachers who have always and constantly guided them, manifests itself when together they overcome all the difficulties related to lockdown, distance learning and obviously the need to reorganize all the work.
So the boys got busy and with the collaboration of their families they used the internet and discovered the research tools that proved to be fundamental to put together important pieces for the realization of the project.
Piece after piece and always under the loving guidance of the four teachers, the boys managed to reach the goal and complete the project.
Today in the fountains of Piana degli Albanesi there are plaques that, in addition to the name of the fountain, have a QR code which, once framed with the camera of your phone, will give you access to the multimedia material that you can consult freely.
In this regard I have to make a small note and a big applause to the teachers who gave the instructions to install the plates because the installation was done as much as possible in respect of the monumental property which is also property of the state property. It is enough to see the Tre Cannoli fountain where the plaques have been fixed laterally. This is a sign of great respect and profound civic sensitivity.
Personally I believe that we should all thank our fifty-two students for this important achievement, their families for the support they have given to their children.
I would like to conclude by highlighting that it deserves the extraordinary work that the teachers of our Comprehensive Institute do with whom I have been able to collaborate in the past. I thank all the teachers but especially for this project Francesca Guadalupi who was the team leader, together with Mariagrazia Tusa, Anna Renda and Francesca Cuccia. They were exceptional because they were able to coordinate a complex project in a very difficult period.
This project of our boys is perfectly integrated with a project that I conceived and started two and a half years ago with professor Matteo Mandalà and with photographer Alessandro Ferrantelli to create a tourist information system that will soon be defined and presented to the public.
I am very proud of our kids, their families and teachers who represent a concrete example of resilience that we are all expected to follow.
Salvatore Vasotti
La Fontana dei Tre Cannoli in Piazza V. Emanuele