With deep sorrow we report that Archimandrite Papas Jani Stassi has fallen asleep in the Lord.
A humble and simple person who characterized his pastoral life in obedience leaves a deep and unfillable void.
The mortal remains are already on display in the Sanctuary of Maria SS. Odigitria where Papas was enlightened rector for many years.
He was a profound connoisseur of the most refined Theology and of the complex Byzantine rite.
Visitpiana collaborated profitably with the always active and attentive Papas Jani who started the complex restoration of the Sacred Image of the Madonna Odigitria. His contribution was crucial for the new layout of the Museum of the Collegio di Maria.
Papas Jani Stassi silently but with incredible effectiveness was a great defender of the cultural and monumental heritage of the Sanctuary and of the Eparchy as he was also in charge of the Library which is located in the Seminary of Piana degli Albanesi.
The funeral of Archimandrite Papas Jani Stassi will be held at 10.30 on Tuesday 17 January at the Sanctuary of Maria SS. Hodegetria in Piazza V. Emanuele in Piana degli Albanesi.
Salvatore Vasotti